Steve's Story

Steve Wilson

My name is Steve Wilson, I’m 42 years old. I grew up in North Andover, Massachusetts. I was adopted early on in my life, and I remember my parents went through a rough divorce. Going into my adult years I started to realize that I had some identity issues. I held on to pain, anger, and resentment. Alcohol slowly crept into my life which turned out to be a full-blown addiction. This wrecked my marriage as well.  I was trying to drown out the pain and suppressed anger I was holding onto.  My life spiraled out of control, and I needed help.  I didn’t know where to turn.I came to know Jesus about 12 years ago and started to have a growing relationship with Him. I learned that I could give all those things that I held onto, and He would give me Peace. All the love and acceptance I was looking for was right there the whole time in Jesus!  Over some time, I lost focus and took my eyes off Christ, and I started to sink. I reached out to Fred at the Fix, and he welcomed me into the men’s home to work on restoring my relationship with Jesus. I’ve since completed that process and I am currently serving as an intern. I can’t run from this call God has placed on my life, but I can use what I have learned in ministry to help other men with similar struggles. Together we can overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the Word of our Testimonies.


Jamie’s Testimony


Carlos' Story