Jamie’s Testimony

Our mission at The Fix is to help the lost and the broken people who have been addicted. Jamie shares her testimony about what the Lord is doing in her life.

I’m Jamie, I'm 30 years old and from North Carolina. Growing up, I suffered from major depression early in my childhood, which spilled over into my teenage years. I struggled trying to find my identity and I looked for my identity in all the wrong places. At the age of 15, I had some dental work and some medical procedures done and I received painkillers for the first time. I quickly figured out that those painkillers didn't just take away physical pain, but also any emotional pain that I was dealing with shortly after I developed an addiction to these pills. At the age of 20, I was offered heroin for the first time and I ended up using heroin for the next 10 years of my life. Due to my heroin addiction, I lost everything from all my money, all my jobs, cars, friends, and relationships, and worst of all, I even lost my only sibling, my big sister. I was completely devastated.

It was through the power of Jesus Christ that I was able to get the strength to reach out for help. Through a long healing process and recovery journey, the Lord led me to The Fix Ministry, it was here where I found my identity and Jesus Christ, and it was here where I figured out the purpose that I had for my life and the calling that Jesus has on my life. I have received so many blessings since being at The Fix Ministry. I'm so grateful for everything that this ministry does for broken men and women.

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, please contact us or click the button below for help!


Kate’s Testimony


Steve's Story